First visit to the Japanese Garden...

First visit to the Japanese Garden...
Mommy and Me!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Well said!

"Children learn better when they are interested in what is being taught.  Montessori teachers follow their students' interests and nurture their curiosity and imagination, while ensuring that essential skills are learned".

Thought of the Day again...

"Children tend to learn more and become more emotionally mature and well-balanced when they have a sense of freedom, choice, and control over their daily lives.  Considerable freedom of movement and choice of activity are basic aspects of Montessori class is peaceful and based on partnership and respect".

Monday, July 25, 2011

Montessori Moment

"Children learn best when they are allowed to move, manipulate, and do things, rather than simply watch and listen to lessons".

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Montessori Madness!

As many of you know, the school I was a lead Montessori teacher at recently closed it's doors.  I was hoping to work "summer camp" but have been blessed with the opportunity to stay home with Giuseppe and Giuliana for one more summer.  We have been keeping really busy!  Many parents of my former students have reached out to me and invited us over for play dates.  Yesterday some of my now mommy friends asked me what I thought about sending their children to a public school next year since the Montessori school closed.  I referred them to this video to think about.