First visit to the Japanese Garden...

First visit to the Japanese Garden...
Mommy and Me!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weekend Thoughts...

Dr Montessori says, “ the training of the senses is … of the utmost importance” because “the higher development of the senses actually precedes that of the higher intellectual faculties.”

Remember the Ideals of Maria Montessori....

Dr. Maria Montessori wrote many things about observation and "following the
child." The child's natural home environment, especially for a
infant/toddler is where she believed the child should be. You are trying to
recreate a classroom where the classroom environment is designed to recreate
the home. Take a step back, relax and think about what you child is doing
and needs to do.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Quote of the Day...

"It is the child and no one else that, guided by the inner directives that nature gave him, by himself steers the boat of his life, turning it towards a destination that expresses the maximum possible achievement".  By Dr. Maria Montessori

How to Unroll a Rug

Hello! Today I was working with a three-year-old in the classroom. Did you know that a perfect first lesson is "How to Unroll a Rug?" Check it out here....enjoy!